


1. 推动/解决问题
2. 展望未来
3. 双刃剑(特殊情况)

In conclusion, _____.
To sum up, ______.
Needless to say, ______.
By and large, ________.
As has been noted above, _________.
Given the factors I have just outlined, _________.

advocate this phenomenon/spirit
curb, cease, impede, prevent, put an end to, eliminate
现象:social phenomenon, situation, condition
好(现象):positive, favorable, desirable
坏(现象):negative, unfavorable, undesirable, adverse

(1) It seems to me that it is high time that we should take concerted steps.
(2) On the micro level, I believe it is every individual’s duty to take actions.
(3) From where I stand, every one of us might as well join in the efforts.
(4) Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures.
(5) From my perspective, only when all of us join in the efforts at all levels can we expect to handle the issue properly.
(1) Similarly, I gradually realize that the authority and mass media need to shoulder this responsibility.
(2) Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope we can call on the public to take this responsibility.
(3) Some relevant laws and regulations should be enacted and enforced.
(4) On the macro level, the government and mass media should be held accountable.
(5) It is urgent and imperative for the mass media to take some measures.
1. 不一定每篇文章都要包括个人和政府两方面,只写一方面也不错,甚至更简洁。
2. 以上的句子都比较泛泛而谈,如果能加上一句具体的措施,则更佳。
By and large, _______(总结). On the micro level, I believe it is every individual’s duty to take actions. Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope we can call on the public to take this responsibility. Only through concerted steps can we expect to handle the issue properly.
Taking into account all the above factors, I personally maintain that _______(总结). Immediate ways for solving the problems/advocating the phenomenon remain elusive. However, public recognition of the necessity will represent the first step in finding effective measures.
To sum up, _____(总结). The fundamental way in which the government addresses the problem/advocate this phenomenon is to raise the public awareness. The mass media should also join in the efforts in educating the citizens. Only through concerted steps can our society have more peace and harmony.
As has been noted above, _____(总结). Parents should offer proper advice to their children to form appropriate outlook of the world. The measures may not guarantee ultimate success, but the eventual pay-off could be well worth the effort.
Needless to say, _________. It is imperative to instill in the young a sense of awareness. In the meantime, a psychological boost is affordable to develop compassionate responses to the issue and strong values are needed to turn our rote knowledge into practice.



To sum up, ________(总结). The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities. We should do our utmost to advocate/curb this social phenomenon. Only in this way can our society become a more harmonious place for us to live in.
In conclusion, _______. I strongly agree that we should strive to look at the issue through skeptical eyes. There are no panaceas or prescriptions for solving the problem/advocating the phenomenon – only alternate ways of coping with it. I would be hard-pressed to imagine a worthier end.
Needless to say, _________. Time is right for us to take actions, and it needs the joint efforts of the whole community. We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.
Admittedly, ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of arduous efforts on the part of all people. Since we have a common interest in seeing this endeavor succeed, my intuition is that our own participation would overcome whatever obstacles that might stand in the way of success.



To sum up, _______ is just like a double-edged sword. We might bear in mind that it can exert both positive and negative influences on our society. However, we can avoid those undesirable effects, when making full use of it.
Based on my personal experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that ______ is a double-edged sword. Whether it is a boon or a bane will be discussed for a number of years to come. However, one should make sensible use of technology, being a master rather than a slave of it.
To sum up, _________ is like a double-edged sword. In face of this phenomenon, we should be prudent. Given the levels of intelligence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks, while taking advantage of all its merits.
In the final analysis, ______ would amount to a double-edged sword. While it would serve as an important catalyst to inspire us to great achievements, at the same time it could impede our progress in action. The optimal approach, in my view, is a balanced one which takes advantage of its benefits, while avoiding potential drawbacks.


使用方法:先学会八个终极大招,再熟悉五种终极招式,无论遇何种作文题 目,见招拆招,逢考必过! 

八大功能段一:现象 / 问题描述功能段

1 . In recent years, …is becoming increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate. 


套用练习:In recent years, Internet is becoming increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate.

2 . …. has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspect of our everyday life. 
中文:当今,…得到了大家的广泛关注,并可以在…被发现.(现象描述功 能句) 
套用练习:Over package has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspect of our everyday life.
3 . Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of the most serious problem is … 
中文:随着社会的发展,越来越多的问题已经得到关注,其中最严重的是… (问题描述功能句) 
套用练习:Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of the most serious problem is the shortage of global water.
4 . It is generally agreed that the …has been playing an increasingly important role in our life, which has brought us a lot of benefits but has triggered some enormous problems as well.One of the serious troubles facing us at present is…(问 题描述功能句) 
中文:人们一致认为,…已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它给 我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。目前,我们面临的严重 问题之一是…。 
套用练习:It is generally agreed that the plastic bags has been playing an increasingly important role in our life, which has brought us a lot of benefits but has triggered some enormous problems as well.One of the serious troubles facing us at present is that the use of plastic bags leads to environmental problems.


1 . 总原因的阐述(三选一) 

(1) A number of factors are accountable for this situation. 

(2)A number of factors might contribute to/account for the phenomenon/problem. 

(3) The answer to this problem involves many factors. 中文:许多原因导致这个问题、现象。

2 . 分析原因功能句(由具体原因数量决定) 

(1) One of the most common factor is … 

(2) Another contributing cause is… 

(3) Perhaps the primary reason is … 

(4) But the fundamental element is … 

中文:第一个原因是..; 第二个原因是…; 第三个原因是…;最后一个原因 是… 


1 . 措施主题句(三个句子选择之一进行背诵) 

(1) In view of the seriousness of the problem of… , effective measures should be taken. 


(2) Confronted with… ,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.


(3) We should solve the problems that we are confronted with. 


套用练习:In view of the seriousness of the problem of traffic jam, effective measures should be taken.

2 . 分措施 

First and foremost, government should establish some regulations to… What’s more, people should get ready to… After all, it is necessary to advocate the whole society to… 


3 . 解决问题总结句(三个句子选择一个背诵即可) 

(1)In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 


(2)With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 


(3)All in all, we must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by it, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society. 

中文:总之,我们一定要警惕它给我们带来更多的问题,因为这个负面影响 积聚到一定的程度,它一定会威胁我们社会的发展。 

1 . 观点主旨句(三个功能句选择之一) 
(1) People have (take, adopt, assume) different attitudes towards ... 
(2) People have different opinions on this problem. 
(3) People take different views on the question. 
套用练习:People have (take, adopt, assume) different attitudes towards the cancelation of Spring Festival Gala.
2 . 观点 1
According to a survey, some people are in favor of the idea of doing …. They point out the fact that (+支持…的第一个原 因) they also argue that… (+支持…的另一个原因) 
3 . 两个观点之间的衔接句 
(1) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact. 
(2) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is. 
4 . 观点 2 
(1) Other people who stand on a different ground consider that… . They firmly point out that… (+反对 x 的第一个理由。) 
(2) An example can give the details of this argument:例子 

八大功能段之五:观点结论功能段 (选择之一背诵) 

1 . From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 


2 . It is difficult to say whether… is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of…. However, from a personal point of view. 


套用练习:From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that college students should have the awareness of cultivating stand-alone capability.

八大功能段之六:展望未来功能段 (选择之一背诵) 

1 . ….is crucial for every individual. With its seemingly magic power, it can not only…, but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to …


2 . It can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization and indirectly spurs continuous development of the individuals. And eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony. 

中文:它可以直接促进… 还可以带来… 


1 . According to the figure/ number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that… 

2 . As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, … 



1 . There is an old saying____. It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. 


套用练习:There is an old saying “It’s unwise to judge a person by the appearance.”. It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.

第一段:描述图表/漫画/引语含义 (漫画、图表、引语描述功能句)
第二段:分析原因/观点阐述 (分析原因/观点阐述功能句) 
第三段:展望未来/解决问题 (展望未来/解决问题功能句) 


第一段:描述现象,引出话题 (现象描述功能句) 

第二段:阐述正反观点 (观点描述功能句:总+分+总) 

第三段:总结观点 (观点总结功能句) 


第一段:问题描述 (问题描述功能句) 

第二段:解决问题的原因 (分析原因功能句) 

第三段:解决问题的措施 (解决问题功能)


第一段:正方观点+理由 (观点阐述功能句) 

第二段:反方观点+理由 (观点阐述功能句) 

第三段:我的观点 (观点总结功能句) 

五、应用文 (求职信、辞职信、建议信等) 


2.写信内容 (注意格式)



1)There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follows.
3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.
5)The reason for this is that…
1)It has thefollowing advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good.
3)It benefitsus quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us.
5)It is of great benefit to us. 6)We have good reason to believe that…
1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does usmuch harm.
1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.
2)A great change will certainly be produced in theworld's communications.
3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.
1)doing sth. is of utmost importance / should be givenpriority
2) it is admitted that sb. should do
3)It plays an important role in our life.
1)We should take some effective measures.
2)it is high time we tried our best toovercome(conquer)the difficulties.
3)Great effort is needed to…
4)there are several ways to deal with the problem.
1) We cannot ignore the fact that…
2) No one can deny the fact that…/There is no denying the fact that…
3) indeed /apparently / obviously
4) This is a phenomenon that many people are interestedin.
5)it is true that…
1) Compared with A,B……
2) I prefer to read rather than watch TV.
3) There is a striking contrast between them.
1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towardssth.
2) from my point of view
3)People take different views of(on)the question.
4)Some people believe that…Others arguethat…
5) in terms of…谈及..问题时







a. 证件类:考试当日考生须携带相应科目准考证、报考时所使用的身份证件学校规定的其他证件按规定时间到达准考证上指定的考场。

b. 答题用品:黑色签字笔三两支+涂卡铅笔三两支+铅笔刀1个+橡皮1个

c. 听力设备:调频耳机或收音机和耳机+备用电池





CET-4:2020年12月12 日 9:00-11:20

CET-6:2020年12月12日 15:00-17:25



a. 开考前20分钟是试音时间。








 c. 9:00-9:10,需要考生快速填写答题卡1、答题2、试卷册背面上的个人信息,涂好考号。准确粘贴条形码。如果条形码位置粘贴错误,撕下重粘时,切勿撕破答题卡或试卷册。



b. 作文和翻译的书写需要采用黑色签字笔;如有错别字,可以用斜线划掉或删除符号删掉,不要大片涂黑。

c. 答题卡1(即写作和听力部分),一定要注意提前填好个人信息,并且保证作文卷面整洁。听力完成后就立刻上交,听力一边听一边涂,切莫等到最后再涂。  

d. 答题卡2(即阅读和翻译部分),一定要看好题目序号,防止涂错重新核对。翻译题部分保证书写工整。










8  :30——9:00 考生入场(迟到考生禁止入场)

8  :40——9:00 试音时间

9  :00——9:10 发答题卡1、2及试题册(听力之前试题册不允许翻阅)

9  :10——9:40 写作部分,作文题目在试题册背面

9  :40——10:05 听力部分

10:05——10:10 收答题卡1(期间不允许答题)

10:10——11:20 其他部分



14:30——15:00 考生入场(迟到考生禁止入场)

14:40——15:00 试音时间

15:00——15:10 发答题卡1、2及试题册(听力之前试题册不允许翻阅)

15:10——15:40 写作部分,作文题目在试题册背面

15:40——16:10 听力部分

16:10——16:15 收答题卡1(期间不允许答题)

16:15——17:25 其他部分




12 月12日考试成绩计划于 2 月中下旬发布,具体发布的时间和方式以全国大学英语四、六级考试网站(cet.neea.edu.cn)发布的公告为准。


  1. yield         [jiːld]                                   v.      产生
  2. worsen     [ˈwɜ:sn]                               v.      恶化
  3. well-rounded   ['welr'aʊndɪd ]            a.      多才多艺的
  4. weaken    ['wiːk(ə)n]                                 v.      减少,减弱
  5. wage gap                                                   工资差距
  6. vital          ['vaɪt(ə)l]                                 a.       重要的
  7. violate      [ˈvaɪəleɪt]                               v.       违反
  8.  vary          ['veərɪ]                                   v.       不同,改变
  9. unwilling   [ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ]                               a.       不愿意的
  10. undergo   [ʌndə'gəʊ]                             v.       经历
  11. tuition       [tjuˈɪʃn]                                n.      学费
  12. trigger      ['trɪgə]                                  vt.      引发,引起
  13. tremendous     [trəˈmendəs]              a.      巨大的
  14. transform         [træns'fɔːm]              v.      改变 
  15.  tighten     [ˈtaɪtn]                               v.      拉紧,收紧
  16. threaten    [ˈθretn]                              v.      威胁
  17. take…for granted                                        认为……理所当然
  18. tackle       ['tæk(ə)l]                            v.      处理,解决
  19. specific     [spə'sɪfɪk]                          a.      具体的,特定的
  20. sophisticated   [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd]            adj.    复杂的;世故的
  21. revenue   ['revənjuː]                              n.       收入
  22. restriction         [rɪ'strɪkʃ(ə)n]            n.      限制,约束
  23. responsible       [rɪˈspɒnsəbl]             a.      负责的
  24. replace    [rɪ'pleɪs]                              v.      代替
  25. recycle     [riː'saɪk(ə)l]                         v.      循环,再利用
  26. radically   ['rædɪklɪ]                            adv.  完全地,彻底地
  27. quality ['kwɒlɪtɪ]                                      n.      质量;品质
  28. puzzling   ['pʌz(ə)lɪŋ]                          a.      令人困惑的
  29. prominent        ['prɒmɪnənt]              a.      重要的,突出的
  30. play a role in                                                起作用
  31. plague      [pleɪg]                                 v.      使困扰
  32. passionate        [pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpeɪt]              a.      热情的
  33. panic         ['pænɪk]                              a.      恐慌的
  34. overwhelming    [ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ]          a.      压倒性的
  35. optimistic            [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]            a.      乐观的
  36. opponent            [ə'pəʊnənt]                n.      对手
  37. objection            [əb'dʒekʃ(ə)n]           n.      反对
  38.  more often than not                                    通常,多半
  39. misguide              [mɪs'gaɪd]                  v.      误导
  40. miserable              [ˈmɪzrəbl]                  a.      痛苦的
  41. make a contribution to                                  做出贡献
  42. lessen       ['les(ə)n]                                v.      减少
  43. legend      ['ledʒ(ə)nd]                            n.      传奇
  44. lay off                                                            解雇
  45. laborious    [lə'bɔːrɪəs]                            a.      费力的
  46. justify         [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ]                            v.      证明……正当
  47. irregular    [ɪ'regjʊlə]                              a.      不规律的
  48. invade      [ɪn'veɪd]                                vt.     侵略,入侵
  49. intervention      [ɪntə'venʃ(ə)n]                n.      干涉,介入
  50. inspire      [ɪn'spaɪə]                              vt.      启示;激励
  51. innovate    ['ɪnəveɪt]                                v.      创新,革新
  52. innocent    [ˈɪnəsnt]                                a.      无罪的
  53. inevitable  [ɪn'evɪtəb(ə)l]                        adj.    不可避免的
  54. incentive    [ɪn'sentɪv]                              n.      动机,刺激
  55. implement        ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt]                v.      贯彻,实施
  56. identify     [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]                            v.      认出,辨认出
  57. hinder       ['hɪndə]                                  v.      阻碍
  58. guarantee        [ˌgærənˈti:]                      v. &n.        保证
  59. generate  [ˈdʒenəreɪt]                             v.      产生
  60. fussy          ['fʌsɪ]                                     a.      大惊小怪的,
  61. focus on                                                            关注,聚焦于
  62. flow            [fləʊ]                                      n./v.   流动
  63. flexibility   [,fleksɪ'bɪlɪtɪ]                          n.      灵活性;适应性
  64. flaw            [flɔː]                                        n.      缺点,错误
  65. figure out                                                         理解,算出,解决
  66. favorable    ['feɪvərəbl]                              a.      有利的,赞同的
  67. facilitate      [fə'sɪlɪteɪt]                              v.      促进,使便利
  68. essential     [ɪˈsenʃl]                                    a.      本质的,必须的
  69. eliminate    [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]                              v.      消除
  70. distracted         [dɪˈstræktɪd]                      a.      分心的,无法集中精神的
  71. discrimination  [dɪ,skrɪmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]            n.      歧视
  72. deprive        [dɪ'praɪv]                                v.      剥夺
  73. demonstrate    ['demənstreɪt]                   v.      证明
  74. decent          ['disnt]                                    a.      体面地
  75. crucial          ['kruːʃ(ə)l]                                a.      关键的,重要的
  76. cozy              ['kozi]                                    a.      舒适的
  77. contaminate    [kən'tæmɪneɪt]                    v.      污染,弄脏
  78. consciousness  ['kɒnʃəsnɪs]                        n.      意识
  79. comprehensive         [kɒmprɪ'hensɪv]          a.      全面的,综合的
  80. complex         [ˈkɒmpleks]                            a.      复杂的
  81. combination     [kɒmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]                  n.      联合,结合
  82. characteristic    [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]                n.      特点
  83. cater          ['keɪtə]                                       v.      迎合
  84. boost         [bʊst]                                        v.      促进
  85. block         [blɒk]                                         v.      阻碍
  86. be subject to                                              受制于……, 遭受
  87. be familiar with                                          熟悉
  88. be bound to                                             一定会……
  89. award       [əˈwɔ:d]                                      v.      授予
  90. avoid         [əˈvɔɪd]                                      v.      避免
  91. available    [əˈveɪləbl]                                  a.      可获得的,可利用的
  92. associate    [ə'səʊʃɪeɪt]                                  v.      联系,交往
  93. approve      [ə'pruːv]                                    v.      赞同
  94. adequate    [ˈædɪkwət]                                a.      足够的
  95. address      [ə'dres]                                      v.      说话;解决
  96. adapt         [ə'dæpt]                                    v.      适应;改编
  97. account for …                                             占比……
  98. accomplish       [əˈkʌmplɪʃ]                          v.      完成
  99. accelerate        [ək'seləreɪt]                          v.      加速
  100. abuse               [əˈbju:s]                                v.      虐待


  1. withdraw          [wɪð'drɔ]                      v.      撤销,撤退
  2. vulnerable        ['vʌlnərəbl]                 adj.   易受攻击的,易受影响的
  3. vocational         [vəʊˈkeɪʃənl]                adj.  职业的
  4. vital                  ['vaitəl]                        adj.  重要的
  5. vigorous            [ˈvɪgərəs]                    adj.  积极的;精力充沛的
  6. variance            [ˈveəriəns]                n.     不同
  7. validation          [ˌvælɪ'deɪʃn]              n.      证实
  8. upgrade            [ʌp'greɪd]                    v.      升级
  9. undertake        [ʌndə'teɪk]                   vt.    承担,从事
  10. underscore       [ˌʌndəˈskɔː(r)]            v.      强调
  11. undermine        [ʌndə'maɪn]               v.      暗中削弱,破坏
  12. unbiased            [ʌnˈbaɪəst]                adj.   公正的
  13. turbulent            ['tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt]            adj.   动荡的,骚乱的
  14. tremendous        [tri'mendəs]            adj.  巨大的
  15. transcend            [træn'send]             v.      超越
  16. trait                    [treɪt]                       n.      特点
  17. tough                [tʌf]                              adj.     棘手的,困难的
  18. temptation       [tempˈteɪʃn]              n.      诱惑
  19. tedious              [ 'tiːdɪəs]                    adj.  乏味冗长的
  20. take…for granted                                  认为…是理所当然的
  21. tackle                ['tæk(ə)l]                  v.      处理
  22. suppress            [səˈpres]                  v.      镇压,压制
  23. stimulus            ['stɪmjʊləs]                    n.       刺激
  24. stereotype        [ˈsteriətaɪp]              n.      陈规,旧习
  25. specialize          ['speʃəlaiz]                 v.      专门从事
  26. spacious            [ˈspeɪʃəs]                  adj.   宽敞的
  27. slightly                ['slaɪtlɪ]                      adv.   轻微地
  28. slash                   [slæʃ]                        v.      削减
  29. slack                    [slæk]                        adj.  松弛的,萧条的
  30. skeptical            [ˈskeptɪkl]               adj.  怀疑的
  31. robust               [rə(ʊ)'bʌst]               adj.  牢固的, 强健的
  32. rigid                  ['rɪdʒɪd]                      adj.  严格的
  33. render                ['rendə]                        vt.    给予
  34. refrain               [rɪ'freɪn]                    v.      抑制,避免
  35. redundant          [rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nt]            adj.过剩的;失业的,被解雇的
  36. provoke              [prəˈvəʊk]                 v.      激怒
  37. prosperity         [prɒ'sperɪtɪ]                n.      繁荣
  38. prominent        ['prɒmɪnənt]             adj.  卓越的,突出的
  39. prevailing          [prɪ'veɪlɪŋ]                  adj.   流行的
  40. pessimistic        [,pesɪ'mɪstɪk]              adj.  悲观的
  41. persistent         [pəˈsɪstənt]                adj.  坚持不懈的,持续的
  42. perception        [pə'sepʃ(ə)n]                  n.      看法;意识
  43. paradox             [ˈpærədɒks]                n.      悖论
  44. overwhelming    [ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ]          adj.   压倒性的
  45. opponent            [ə'pəʊnənt]               n.      反对者
  46. notoriously         [nəʊ'tɔ:rɪəslɪ]            adv.  臭名昭著地
  47. modify                  [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ]                 v.      改变
  48. merit                    ['merɪt]                      v.      值得
  49. manipulate          [məˈnɪpjuleɪt]              v.      操纵
  50. literacy                  ['lɪtərəsi]                    n.      读写能力,识字
  51. lessen                    [ˈlesn]                       v.      减少
  52. jeopardize              [ˈdʒepədaɪz]              v.      危害,危及
  53. irrational                [ɪ'ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l]            adj.不合理的,不理性的
  54. insufficient              [ɪnsə'fɪʃ(ə)nt]            adj.不足的;不胜任的
  55. indispensable         [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl]       adj.  必不可少的
  56. incompetent           [ɪn'kɒmpɪt(ə)nt]        adj.无能力的,不胜任的
  57. imperative              [ɪm'perətɪv]              adj.  必须的,必要的
  58. impart      [ɪmˈpɑːt]                                  v.      传授,教授
  59. impair       [ɪmˈpeə(r)]                               v.      损害
  60. identical   [aɪˈdentɪkl]                              adj.  相同的
  61. hinder       [ˈhɪndə(r)]                              v.      阻碍
  62. genuine    ['dʒenjuin]                             adj.  真正的,真诚的
  63. foster        [ˈfɒstə(r)]                             v.      促进;培养
  64. forge         [fɔːdʒ]                                     v.      铸造;伪造
  65. feasible      ['fiːzɪb(ə)l]                            adj.可行的
  66. facilitate    [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt]                         v.      使便利;促进
  67. exert influenceon…                                    对…施加影响
  68. evaluate      [ɪˈvæljueɪt]                         v.      评价
  69. endorsement   [ɪnˈdɔ:smənt]                n.      支持
  70. end up doing                                                 以……告终
  71. eliminate    [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]                         v.      消除
  72. eligible        ['elɪdʒɪb(ə)l]                        adj.适合的,胜任的
  73. dramatically     [drə'mætɪkəlɪ]            adv.  大幅度地;剧烈地
  74. distinction        [dɪ'stɪŋkʃən]                  n.      区分
  75. disservice          [dɪsˈsɜ:vɪs]                  n.      帮倒忙,损害
  76. discriminate        [dɪ'skrɪmɪneɪt]              v.       歧视;区别
  77. diminish              [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ]                    v.      减少
  78. deterioration      [dɪ,tɪərɪə'reɪʃn]           n.      恶化,退化
  79. deprivation          [deprɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]          n.      剥夺,匮乏
  80. curb                    [kɜːb]                          n./v.   阻碍
  81. critical                [ˈkrɪtɪkl]                    adj.  关键的;挑剔的
  82. counterpart      [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt]              n.      对等物
  83. controversy      [ˈkɒntrəvɜ:si]              n.      争议
  84. conspicuous      [kənˈspɪkjuəs]            adj.  显著的
  85. conform to                                                 符合,遵守
  86. confine              [kənˈfaɪn]                    v.      限制
  87. comprehensive      [kɒmprɪ'hensɪv]     adj.  综合的,全面的
  88. chronic     [ˈkrɒnɪk]                             adj.  长期的;慢性的
  89. champion          [ˈtʃæmpiən]                v.      支持,拥护
  90. be bound to                                                 一定会
  91. awkward            ['ɔːkwəd]                    adj.  尴尬的,棘手的,笨拙的
  92. awareness        [əˈweənəs]                 n.      意识
  93. attribute           [əˈtrɪbjuːt]                   v.      归因于
  94. at odds with                                                 与……不一致
  95. assimilate          [əˈsɪməleɪt]                v.      同化
  96. appropriate      [əˈprəʊpriət]           adj.  适合的
  97. aggressive        [əˈɡresɪv]                adj.  挑衅的;上进的
  98. aggravate         [ˈægrəveɪt]                v.      加重,恶化
  99. accountable     [ə'kauntəbl]                adj.  应负责的,有责任的
  100. accelerate        [əkˈseləreɪt]              v.      加速



economic crisis 经济危机

mortgage ['mɔrɡɪdʒ] 抵押

payment 抵押

economic recovery 经济复苏

wage/salary/pay 工资

penalty clause 处罚条款

come due 到期

currency ['kʌrənsi] shrinks 货币贬值

loan 贷款

price fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 价格波动

layoffs 裁员解雇

deposit account 存款账户 

interest rate 利率

high failure rates高破产率 

inflation 通货膨胀

resource scarcity [ˈskersəti] 资源紧缺 

offset 抵偿

payment deficit 赤字、收支逆差

government subsidies 政府补贴


stockbroker 股票经纪人

interpreter 口译者

attorney [ə'tɜrni] 律师、检察官 

judge 法官

fringe benefit 额外福利 

testimony 证言

feasibility [ˌfizəˈbɪləti] study 可行性研究 

innovation 创新革新

be specialize in 专业研究于

be a master of ..的专家

charts and tables 图表和表格

market research consultant 


workforce/labour force/manpower


the persistent intensity work 


interpersonal relationship(realm)



bureaucracy [bjə'rɑkrəsi] 官僚主义

public institutions 公立组织(学校)

private school 私立学校

equal access 平等机会

curriculum 课程

primary school 小学

secondary school 中等教育

scholarship 奖学金

associate professor 副教授

guest professor 客座教授

semester 学期


ward 病房

cognitive ['kɑɡnətɪv] 认知

retina 视网膜

nutrition [nu'trɪʃ(ə)n] 营养

vaccination [ˌvæksiˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 疫苗

mental health 心理健康

be treated with 被治疗于

mortality [mɔr'tæləti] rate 死亡率

contaminated [kən'tæmɪ.neɪtɪd] people 感染者

immunization [ ˌɪmjʊnəˈzeɪʃən] 免疫

medical result 诊断结果

emergency 急诊


traffic jam 交通堵塞

highway 高速公路

parking lot 停车场

one way street 单行道

round trip ticket 来回票

police officer 交警

over speed 超速

motor way 机动车道

overtake 超车

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

fine 罚金

overhead 轻轨



buffet 自助餐

red wine 红酒

dinner party 晚餐会

chef salad 招牌沙拉

pudding 布丁

split the bill 分开付

main course 主菜

regular dinner 套餐

have a good appetite ['æpə.taɪt] 胃口好

english tea 英式下午茶

service charge 服务费

book/reserve=make a reservation 预定


secretary general 秘书长

unanimously 全体一致的

memorandum [.memə'rændəm] 备忘录

veto a bill 否决议案

turnout 出席人员

pass a resolution 通过决议

diplomatic [.dɪplə'mætɪk] relations 外交关系

humanitarian aid 人道主义援助

autonomy [ɔ'tɑnəmi] 自治

resolve their differences 消除分歧

strategic [strə'tidʒɪk] partnership 战略伙伴关系

General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定


tent 帐篷

travel agency 旅行社

on holiday 在度假

go camping 露营

camping gear 野营装备

customs 海关

get on board the plane 登机

annual [ˈænjuəl] vacation 年假

apply for a passport 申请护照

travel overseas 出国旅行

motel 汽车旅馆

departure [dɪ'pɑrtʃər] gate 登机口



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